
The machine is designed to wash citrus fruit by brushing in order to remove insects, dust and chemical treatment residues.

Fruits run on a nylon STRIP brush bed with corrugated profile to enable rotary and oscillating motion. Fruit feeding is made by thrust of the incoming product. In the initial part of the brush bed, a spray system sprinkles a mixture of water and cleanser on the fruits. The mixture is injected into the pipes through a 0-10 Lt/h valve doser pump producing a foamy emulsion on the fruits. In the final part of the brush bed, a jet of running water (1000 Lt/h, 2 atm) removes the foamy emulsion and the residues from fruits.

Water draining is done in the following section of the machine where sponge rubber rollers (with press-sponge rollers beneath) absorb water.

In the end fruits are dried through a tube-bundle hot-air generator and two 10-10 fans with HP4 engine.

The machine structure is made up of a 25/10 press-bending plate and 30/10 AISI 305 stainless steel pipes.

Moreover, in order to ensure workers’ safety, the machine is equipped with protective shields following the laws in force.

Motorization: a 2 HP speed controller
